Thank you!

Your purchase of a Full Strategic Marketing Plan Plus Implementation and Execution is confirmed.

I am excited to work with you to build your strategic marketing plan and implement it in a way that grows your business.

-- Robert

Next steps

You will receive a series of emails confirming your order and providing links to help you understand and begin the process. Please add to your address book to make sure you get them.

Why these links are important

When you receive an email check it for links to information you and I both need. As you begin to fill in the outlines that will help us optimize your plan you will be prompted to schedule a video meeting with me. This will be an initial planning session from which we can determine scope, milestones, schedule, budget and more. It is also a time for you to ask questions.

Your dashboard

You also will receive a link via email to a customized dashboard from which you can view progress, ask questions, and receive answers. This will serve as the primary resource hub for your strategic marketing plan. Once you receive your link, I encourage you to bookmark the page and check it periodically.

When updates are available on your dashboard you will be notified by email.

Your Account

To get started, visit your account page now. (If you are new here, you may need to find the recent email containing your password to login. It will have the subject line, "Your account has been created".)

Have questions or comments now?

Great! Use this form to email me directly.

Thanks for choosing Digital Janus. I can't wait to get started on your project.

